LAGOS LIVING || The Evolving Woman 3.0 Conference with Profit with Doyin

Eyin temi,

Welcome to a new week. How did your weekend go? Awesome? Splendid? Fun? Educational?

Today I am going to chat about my weekend especially my Saturday. I attended The Evolving Woman 3.0 Conference, convened by Oladoyin Taiwo (@profitwithdoyin on Instagram). She is a personal branding strategist, business coach, writer, speaker and an amazing boss lady. The theme for this year's coference was 'Owning it - Find your thing, own it and get known for it'

Some of you may not know, but one of my side hustle is event planning. Yeah guys, I work with @lemonytouch event management to plan awesome and fabulous weddings, naming ceremonies, bridal showers, birthday parties, business meeting, baby showers etc. You name the event, we will 'bring it to a creative and excellent reality' for you.

So Adeola, CEO of @lemonytouch sends me at WhatsApp message at 11:35pm.

Adeola: Would you be chanced to work at Evolving Woman?

I had planned a very laid back Saturday. My plan was to eat Ewa Agoyin (Mashed Beans with Sauce) in the morning then sleep till noon. Shop for hair products at Bode Thomas and Randle Avenue for makeup. Then go home and sleep till Sunday morning but I remembered all the amazing things Adeola has said about her business coach, Oladoyin Taiwo and I could see major positive personal and business advancement in Adeola's brand; so I told Adeola 

Fehintola: Okay. What is call up time?
Deola: 9am

Saturday morning, I prepare to leave for the venue of the event: Vantage Hub, 5th Floor, Moseola House, Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, I ate my ewa agoyin, that was non negotiable in all my change of plan. 

The Evolving Woman 3.0 Conference 

When I walked into the hall, Oladoyin, the conference convener, was chatting with the ladies. Introductions were done and I loved the cosy setting of the conference. It felt really comfortable, a space where we could learn from the speakers and network with each other.

The speakers were amazing. I believe that from their wealth of experience and knowledge, they dropped some big nuggets of wisdom. 

Gather round children, lemme share them with y'all, lol.

The host of the event was Adenike Oyetunde. She talked about her personal journey and finding peace. One thing I picked from all she said was being cautious of the people one allows into their personal space. I think this is important as the people we let into our space have the power to affect our way of thinking and overall well-being.
She is on instagram as @adenikeoyetunde

The first speaker was Mercy Makinde. Her topic was 'Becoming a person of value'. Very vibrant speaker. She reminds of a Nigerian mum that will give you good advice but then shade you too.
Some of her advice are:
  • Know thy self. Which I think is huge when it comes to becoming a person of value. To do this she advices we do a SWOT analysis. 
Know your
S: Strength
W: Weakness
O: Opportunities
T: Threats
Just like what businesses to do to grow.

  • Work harder on yourself. 
Invest in personal development. Extract value from every situation.

You know how some of us don't have money for that seminar, workshop or conference that will help improve our career and/or skill but we have money for new clothes, bags, wigs, shoes. Mrs Mercy shaded us, I covered my face and immediately sent a message to a friend about an HR training. So thank you Mrs Mercy.

  • Build a personal brand. How do you want people to see you? Ask yourself a question 'When someone thinks about me, what comes to their mind?' What am I selling consciously or unconsciously?
Here she stressed been careful with what we post on social media because it builds a perception of who you are in their mind. Some of us think it's just Instagram or Twitter or Facebook but I believe it is so much more, we need to be careful the picture of ourselves that we paint with our posts on social media.

  • Build your competence. Don't become a 'please manage it' person. You know when you get a crappy product or service and the vendor or provider is pleading with you to 'manage' it. Do not be that person!!!
She ended with sharing how to know if you are a person of value
  1. What do people call you for?
  2. Do people appreciate your presence?
  3. Do people call you for advice?
  4. Do people talk about you in a positive way?
  5. Would people want to partner with you?
  6. Do people pay you for your services?
Mrs Mercy Makinde on instagram is @mercyiaspire.

Ivie Martins Ogbonmwan talked about 'Owning your career journey'. Ivie on Instagram is  @iviechic and just like her name. She is a chic. A business chic, lol.
Ivie dived right into her talk. Let me summarise it for you.
  • Be clear on what you want to do. 
  • Build capacity
  • Own yourself and build your career
  • Deliberately invest in yourself. She said her mentors are Oprah and Mo Abudu because they are deliberate in investing in themselves and building their careers. 
  • Build people skills
  • Have a plan. Don't leave anything to chance
  • Don't rely on people to build your career for you

Niyi Adesanya, the third conference speaker, spoke on 'Peak Performance in Business'. I went to the restroom as he was about to start his talk and when I came back, it looked like I had missed a lot. But I picked one big nugget of wisdom guys

  • BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. He said it is one of the things you need to build your business performance.
I have seen the effect of relationships and how they have helped me become a better person, build my career, blog and writing. I got my new job through a link that was shared on an HR blog (Naija HR). The mind behind this blog has become a good friend of mine. We met online on Twitter and then face-to-face last year at Abuja when I attended the 49th CIPM Annual National Conference in Abuja. I told her about wanting to move to Lagos and she started sending me job ad link and prompting me to submit applications. 

Eyin temi, hold that in your left hand so that you don't mistakenly throw it away or use it to eat eba with egusi, goat meat, cow innards (tinu eran), pomo to mata (I don't know how to write this in English) and ice cold malt drink (craving alert!😀).

Niyi Adesanya is on instagram as @nadesanya

The last speaker was Glory Edozien (@inspiredbyglory on Instagram) on Networking for Success. I remember Glory from when she was a feature editor on BellaNaija. I don't know her personally o, lol and I think she's still with Bella Naija.
Glory dropped a big ball of wisdom on us about networking.
'It is about who knows you, likes you and trust you'

She gave us tips on how to build networks
  1. Get a clear picture of who you are and what you want to achieve
  2. Go where the people who have achieved what you want to achieve go to
  3. Find a way to introduce yourself that shows the value you are offering. I advise you read Oladoyin Taiwo's (@profitwithdoyin) bio on instagram. You will understand this a lot better.
  4. Live with generosity
  5. Stop trying to impress people with your words. LISTEN!!!
  6. Build a great social brand
Lastly, 80% of networking is keeping in touch

We had Q&A after each session and then because it rained, we stayed and chatted after the conference. Remember I wrote in the beginning that the setting was comfortable. We were 20 attendees and it was like learning at the feet of experienced people. There was also food and drink 😉

I had an amazing time and learnt a lot that I couldn't keep it to myself, I had to share with you, my wonderful friends and readers. 

Sharing is caring: Did you pick any nugget of wisdom in the post to help you with your business, career or skill? Share them with me and other readers in the comments and how you'll use it.


If you want to say hi, for collaborations, sponsorship and/or reviews, please send an email to or DM me on Twitter @fehintolaogunye and Instagram @fehintolaogunye

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